25 Simple Ways to Save Money [$15K+ In Savings]
If you can't make more money, you can still try to save some. Reducing your expenses is easy but requires discipline. Listed below are 25 of the simplest and most effective ways to have more cash in your pocket by the end of each month.
1. Get Out of Debt First
Don't start saving money before you eliminate debt first. The interest that you pay on your credit cards and loans will kill most of your savings efforts. Save only for emergencies and focus all your efforts on getting out of debt.
How much do you save?
Up to $3000 a year
2. Credit Card Payments on Time
Try to always pay the full outstanding amount on time. Save yourself from unnecessary interest charges.
How much do you save?
Up to $1000 a year
3. Use Only ATMS of Your Bank
Reduce ATM charges by using only your bank's ATMs. This may not seem like a big deal, but if you use your ATM card twice a week in other banks' ATM machines, then by the end of the year you would have actually wasted around $150!
How much do you save?
Up to $150 a year
4. Live Near Your Work
People seem to underestimate the costs associated with living far from their workplace: fuel, stress, and lost time, just to name a few. Consider this option seriously.
How much do you save?
Up to $5000 a year
5. Drink A Lot of Water
It is good for your health and makes you eat less, which lowers your bills especially when you dine out.
How much do you save?
Up to $50 a year
6. Bring Lunch To Work
As a general rule, you should avoid eating outside as much as you can for both your health and money.
How much do you save?
Up to $2000 a year
7. Sign Up For Reward Programs
Sign up for every reward program that comes your way. You are buying anyway why not get something in return?
How much do you save?
Up to $300 a year
8. Buy In Bulk
Save money by buying bulk quantities. Make sure that whatever you are buying doesn't expire soon. For example, dishwashing soap is guaranteed to survive for a long time but not milk.
How much do you save?
Up to $500 a year
9. Buy In Bulk With a Friend
For items having a short life span, consider buying bulk quantities with friends then split the cost with them.
How much do you save?
Up to $500 a year
10. Make Use Of Offers
Make use of offers when you go shopping. Plan your meals around the discounted items. Items will take turns in the discount loop so diversity will not be an issue.
How much do you save?
Up to $500 a year
11. Buy From Specialized Markets
Vegetables from the vegetable market. Fish from the fish market, etc. Specialized markets are almost always cheaper than generic supermarkets. Proximity may be a key factor. See what works best for you.
How much do you save?
Up to $500 a year
12. Buy Big Portions
A 500 ml dishwashing soap bottle is more cost-effective than a 250 ml one, just make sure that will be able to use all of it.
How much do you save?
Up to $400 a year
13. Make a List Before You Go Shopping
Don't wander around supermarkets guessing what you need. Make a list and stick to it.
How much do you save?
Up to $400 a year
14. Don't Shop While You Are Hungry
When you are hungry you are naturally more impulsive and might start buying food in quantities that you can't consume.
How much do you save?
Up to $150 a year
15. Turn Off The Lights/Appliances
Turn the lights off when you leave the room or when you don't need them. You will be saving your money and saving the planet at the same time. Approximately 25% of your energy bill can be reduced.
How much do you save?
Up to $750 a year
16. Use Energy Efficient Bulbs
Use only energy-efficient bulbs. They are more expensive than regular ones but they will save you a lot of money in the long run. Energy-friendly bulbs use approximately 65% less energy than classical bulbs.
How much do you save?
Up to $500 a year
17. Make Use of Sale
Wait for the discounts. If you can live without something for three months then maybe you don't absolutely need it.
How much do you save?
Up to $2000 a year
18. Pass On Extended Warranties
Extended warranties almost never make sense, especially if the item is not expensive.
How much do you save?
Up to $200 a year
19. Cancel Unused Services
Save money by canceling unused credit cards, memberships, subscriptions, TV channels, etc.
How much do you save?
Up to $2000 a year
20. Book Airline Tickets / Hotels Early
This tactic requires careful planning but it surely saves you tons of money. The earlier you book your vacation the better.
How much do you save?
Up to $3000 a year
21. Inflate Your Tires
Not only for money but for your own safety. Partially inflated tires could cost you anywhere between $50$ to $300 every year depending on how often you drive.
How much do you save?
Up to $300 a year
22. Avoid Hard Accelerations
Don't accelerate or decelerate aggressively. Hard accelerations burn fuel and money for no reason while hard deceleration ruins your brakes.
How much do you save?
Up to $500 a year
23. Don't Use Your Car's AC
It is not free. Don't use it if you don't need it.
How much do you save?
Up to $50 a year
24. Keep Windows Closed
Driving fast with open windows increases your fuel consumption significantly because the wind holds your car back and opposes its movement.
How much do you save?
Up to $50 a year
25. Remove Things From Your Car
Don't keep unnecessary items in your car. They increase the weight which results in additional fuel consumption. An extra 10Kg of weight could cost you around $100 in fuel money a year.
How much do you save?
Up to $100 a year