22 Tips For Better Sleep

1. No devices before bedtime
Don't use your phone or any other device (laptop, tablet, TV) at least one hour before bedtime.
The blue light from your devices confuses your brain and leads to delayed sleeping and sometimes insomnia.
2. Yellow light filter
If you must use your phone, enable the yellow light filter that comes standard with most devices these days.
3. Choose the right mattress
More than 60% of people report that they are not happy with their mattresses.
Choosing the right mattress is important for your back and for having an uninterrupted long night's sleep.
Aim for a medium-firm foam-layered mattress.
4. Choose the right pillow
The perfect pillow is the one that keeps your whole body straight and aligns your neck with your spine.
Choose hypoallergenic pillows to reduce the chance of sleep sniffles.
5. Reduce caffeine intake during the day
If you are having trouble sleeping at night, it could be due to the high consumption of caffeine-rich food or drinks such as coffee, soda, energy drinks, tea, and chocolate.
Reduce your intake of caffeine for better sleep.
6. Don't eat at least one hour before bedtime
Don't eat anything for at least one hour before sleeping.
Digestion leads to interrupted sleep.
7. Align your sleep timings with the sunset and the sunrise
Studies have shown that the human body is linked somehow to the sunset-sunrise cycle.
You may have noticed that sleeping during the day can never compensate for good night's sleep.
According to the studies, the best time to sleep is between 9 PM and 11 PM and the best time to wake up is between 5 AM to 6 AM.
8. Don't miss sunset time
Many studies have reached the conclusion that missing the transition from day to night disturbs the mood and messes up with your internal body clock.
If you want to nap make, make sure to wake one hour before sunset.
9. Dim the lights 30 minutes before sleep
And completely turn them off while you sleep.
Dimming the lights sends a clear signal to your mind that it is time to shut down.
10. Increase your exposure to natural daylight
Make sure to expose yourself to sunlight or bright lights during the day.
This helps in maintaining your body’s circadian rhythms, which affects your sleep-wake cycle.
11. Reduce artificial light as much as possible
Especially during the day.
Open up the curtains and the windows and turn off the lights in your house.
12. Exercise well during the day
Physical fitness helps a lot in good sleep.
Exercise is good for your heart and breathing but avoid having too much physical activity before bedtime because it can give sleep trouble due to excess anxiety.
Additionally, by moving during the day, you make sure that you are out of energy when the night comes, which makes you sleep quicker and calmer.
13. Eat healthy
Good nutrition is important for your well-being in general and for sleep in particular.
Sleep disorders have been repeatedly linked to obesity and bad nutrition.
14. Eat at regular times.
Try to organize your time so that you have every meal at the same time every day to help set your body's internal clock.
15. Sleep at the same time every day.
This goes along with the previous tip.
When you start going to bed at the same time every day, you will find it easier to fall asleep with each passing day.
The human body is a master of habit and sleeping is no exception.
16. Avoid naps if possible
It helps you to reach bedtime drained out of energy.
If you nap during the day, you will find it harder to sleep at night.
17. Things to avoid before sleeping
Before you sleep avoid alcohol, coffee, black or green tea, soda, and citrus.
All of these will increase your body's alertness and make it hard to sleep.
18. Use the toilet
Use the toilet before bed so that you don't have to get up from your sleep.
Nothing must disturb your sleep.
19. Have a Soothing Drink
Chamomile tea, milk, kiwi, and bananas have a soothing and calming effect on the body and can help in sleep preparation.
20. Consider ambient background music.
Many people find it helpful to have quiet cozy ambient background music when they sleep.
Try it to see if it works for you.
21. Do something boring
This neat trick works every time. Ask me, I am always sleepy in the office!!
22. Hot bathes
A hot bath can help your body relax and your mind unwind. Try it whenever you can.