Interesting and Weird Science Facts

Each person has a distinct tongue print in addition to their finger and eye prints.

Darkness moves faster than light. This is bit lengthly to discuss here. Those who are interested in the explanation, please check this link: Explanation

Drinking 5 Liters of water can be deadly. On the hand, a fatal dose of caffeine is around 100 cups of coffee, but that can never happen because one would die first from too much water.

The Majority of Earth’s Oxygen Is Produced by Oceans
Marine organisms like plankton, algae, seaweed, and bacteria engage in photosynthesis, converting sunlight into vital oxygen molecules. Estimates vary, but experts suggest that anywhere from 50% to 80% of Earth's breathable oxygen originates in the sea.

Bananas are Radioactive
Bananas contain potassium, and because potassium decays, it becomes slightly radioactive. Eating 20 million bananas at one time might kill you due to radiation exposure. This is ofcourse unlikely to happen and even it did, radiatian might be the last reason to kill you.

A bolt of lightning is five times hotter than the surface of the sun and contains enough energy to toast 100,000 slices of bread.

A day on Venus is longer than its year, as it takes Venus 243 Earth days to rotate on its axis and only 225 Earth days to orbit the Sun.

Some snails can sleep up to three years straight.
The seemingly appealing extended nap of snails stems from less-than-ideal conditions and their need for moisture to survive. When faced with uncooperative weather, snails can enter an extended slumber lasting up to three years to conserve moisture.

A day on Saturn is just 10.7 hours long. That is by the way the shortest day on any planet in the solar system.

Honey never spoils and can remain edible for up to 3,000 years.
Due to its remarkably high sugar content, it possesses natural antibacterial properties. Jars of honey dating back over 3,000 years remain perfectly edible. Archaeologists were able to find edible honey in ancient Egyptian tombs, which further validates this fact.

Honeybees can recognize human faces.
A number of experiments and studies have shown that honeybees, whom possess only 0.01% of the neurons found in humans, have the ability to distinguish and recall individual human faces.

Koalas have fingerprints that are almost identical to human fingerprints.

Octopuses have three hearts, nine brains, and blue blood
There is a primary central brain responsible for all the analysis and decision-making, accompanied by eight secondary brains situated at the base of each arm. These secondary brains serve as preprocessors for the information collected by the respective arms. About two-thirds of the octopus's neurons are located in its arms. This enables the arms to autonomously learn tasks like opening a shellfish, allowing the central brain to focus on other activities.

The first oranges weren't orange; they were green! Also the color "orange" comes from the fruit, not the other way around.

The average cloud weighs around 500 tons.

The Earth's oceans contain enough gold to give everyone 9 pounds of it.

The longest recorded flight of a chicken was 13 seconds.

The microwave was invented accidentally when a scientist noticed a chocolate bar melting in his pocket due to a nearby magnetron.

Wombat poop is cube-shaped to prevent rolling away, which helps them mark their territory.

The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body relative to its size.

Studies have shown that cows can have friends and can become stressed when separated.

Scientifically speaking,bananas are berries, but strawberries are not.

Astronauts' height can change in space due to the absence of gravity compressing the spine.

Your nose and ears never stop growing.

You Lose Bones as You Grow
The adult human body has 206 bones, while a child’s developing body has 300. When you’re born, you have around 300 different bones in your tiny infant body. As you grow, many of these merge to create the skeleton you know and love as an adult.

Fleas can jump 130 times their height, that’s like a human jumping 800ft or 250m in the air.

Bar code scanners read the white space between the black lines rather than the black lines themselves.

Rats laugh when you tickle them, letting out tiny high-pitched giggles in the process.

The human eye has a 576-megapixel resolution. However, we only see at about 150dpi, since that is more than enough visual stimuli for us to see objects.

Human saliva contains a painkiller called opiorphin that is six times more powerful than morphine.

In your lifetime, your skin gets completely replaced about 900 times.

Studies have shown that your DNA is more similar to that of your friends than with strangers, and even more with your partner.

Research has shown that women in heels can make better decisions, possibly because of the increased sense of balance.

Wearing red makes you a mosquito target. Purple, green, blue, and white are the best colors to repel those annoying little creatures.

Bats are the only mammals with wings.

In your lifetime, you will blink around 500 Million time.

You are about 1cm taller in the morning when you first get up than when you go to bed. This is because during the day the soft cartilage between your bones gets squashed and compressed.

You spend about one year of your lifetime sitting on the toilet!